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Lamb’s is a premium-quality rum with a smooth, clean, distinctive taste. From the house of Alfred Lamb, the recipe for Lamb’s dates back to 1849.

Alfred Lamb, the purveyor of the smoothest, finest rums since 1849, is known as ‘the name for rum’, meaning the quality standard to which other rums aspire. At a time when others crudely squeezed sugar beets to make their rums, Alfred fought to define his rum as the spirit distilled from pure sugar cane. Today, we continue to make Lamb’s with genuine Demerara rum that delivers a smooth and mellow flavor.

Newfoundland is Lamb’s Nation. Lamb’s Palm Breeze is the number one selling spirit across the province. In fact, Lamb’s has been the best-selling spirit brand in Newfoundland for over 30 years. You can be sure to find us every summer at the George Street Festival in St. John’s. 

Each one of our rums is made with genuine Demerara rum that delivers a smooth and mellow flavour. You can enjoy Lamb’s rums as a shot, as a simple mixed drink, or in a more complex cocktail.
Buy Lamb’s online at VINO&VINO and enjoy free delivery in Yerevan.