MALFY Gin is a Super-Premium Italian Gin inspired by the Amalfi Coast. Distilled with fine botanicals including hand-picked juniper, Italian lemons, pink grapefruits, oranges and married with Italian water, Malfy is a truly unique gin. This super-premium gin became part of Pernod Ricard in 2019 and expresses the sun-soaked spirit of the Amalfi Coast. In this stylish, sun-soaked enclave, life moves at a different pace. Inspired by this Amalfi lifestyle, Malfy Gin embodies the essence of ‘La Dolce Vita’ and we invite you to sit back and enjoy with every sip. Malfy Gins are made in Italy using the finest ingredients including handpicked juniper, Italian Lemons, and a selection of Sicilian Pink Grapefruits and Sicilian Blood oranges. These are steeped in alcohol before cold distillation to keep the botanicals fresh and flavourful and then artfully blended with Italian water from the Piedmont region in North-West Italy. Citrus holds a special place in the heart of every Italian. The smells and tastes of the ripest lemons, oranges, and grapefruits encapsulate the zesty and fresh taste of Malfy Gin. All Malfy Gin’s proudly carry our GQDI stamp which stands for Gin di Qualità Distillato in Italia, our mark of quality and authenticity. Buy Malfy gin online from VINO&VINO wine and spirits shop and enjoy free delivery in Yerevan.