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The name IXSIR derives from ‘Iksir’, the original Arabic word for ‘Elixir’, a word common to many languages that defines the purest form of all substances - a secret potion that grants eternal youth and love. The vision behind IXSIR is to reveal the best terroirs of Lebanon, some long since forgotten. Cultivated with respect to sustainable agriculture, IXSIR’s vineyards are spread across the mountains of Lebanon on clay-calcareous and limestone soil, from Batroun to Jezzine, benefiting from microclimates that are unique to Lebanon. IXSIR’s vineyards culminate at an altitude of 1,800 metres, making them the highest in the Northern Hemisphere. Winemaking takes place in a vineyard located on the hills of Batroun where a 17th century traditional Lebanese house presides over a contemporary winery with sustainability at its core. Recognized several times for its green credentials, the IXSIR winery was named by CNN as one of the greenest building in the world. It has also won the international Architizer A+ Award, the Good Green Design award and the Green Mind MENA Award. Buy IXSIR wines online from VINO&VINO wine and spirits shop and enjoy free delivery in Yerevan.