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Unlocking the History of Aperitivo: The Classic Italian Drink

Unlocking the History of Aperitivo: The Classic Italian Drink

The origins of the  aperitivo beverage date back to the Romans, who paired salty foods with the aromatic Gustatio beverage. It is said that it was used as an aphrodisiac back then. The monks of the Middle Ages also used liqueurs and various spirits, which also had an influence on the creation of the aperitif known today.  It is said that it was used as an aphrodisiac back then. The monks of the Middle Ages also used liqueurs and various spirits, which also had an influence on the creation of the aperitif known today.

The growth of Aperitif in Italy

The aperitif evolved into the modern popular drink during the 18th and 19th centuries in Turin, a small city in northern Italy. It all began with Antonio Benedetto Carpano, who blended hard wine with spices and herbs in 1786 to create a particular kind of drink from Vermont. Following his discovery, Vermont was served as an aperitif before dinner in many Italian cafes.

Aperitivo drink played a key role in the creation of the popular Italian cocktails Negroni and Americano, which rose to popularity in the 19th century. Many alcohol brands, such as Martini & Rossi and Campari, were excited about the new discovery and launched their signature bitter herbal aperitif.

Already in the 20th century, aperitivo was one of the important parts of Italian culture. This is how the alcohol used in medicine evolved and turned into one of the most popular alcoholic beverages.

The spreading of Aperitif

Regardless of the drink being originated in Turin, it has managed to quickly spread all over Italy, including Milan. And Milan is where people started to have aperitif as an apetizer before dinner.

Thus, aperitif was an inseparable part of Italian culture already in the 20th century. This is how the spirit that was originally used for medical purposes became a beloved alcoholic drink.

Aperitif nowadays

Today the love towards aperitif is spread all over Italy. However, each country has developed its own little traditions for enjoying the drink.

The drink is a classic choice in Turin even today and is widely used in cocktails with bitter-sweet notes, for example: Negroni and Americno.

You can have aperitif in every corner of Milan. In this city, the drink is preferred with both hot and cold aperitivo food, small pizzas, salads, and even with some drinks.

In Venice, people prefer Spritz cocktails made of Aperol and Campari drinks.

You can have aperitif in Rome even with chips, olives, and peanuts.

Aperitif in Armenia

Yes, there are many aperitif versions in Armenia, which are widely used in the recipes of various alcoholic drinks. Here are a few  aperitivo recipe that you can make even at home.

Moscato Aperol Spritz

This is a type of classic Aperol Spritz, that includes Moscato, instead of prosecco. This way, the cocktail obtains a light sweetness and new taste notes.


  • Aperol

  • Moscato (you can try out PIERRE HUET Pays D'Auge Cidre version)

  • Sparkling water

  • Ice

To make the cocktail just mix all the ingredients.

Ginger Bramble Fizz

A refreshing cocktail with a more light recipe that will make a perfect combination with the summer heat.


  • Gin

  • Lemon juice

  • Barspoon of syrop that has ginger notes

  • Rose aperitif

  • Sparkling water or juice

To make the cocktail, just mix all the ingredients with the sparkling water or juice.

Anise White Negroni

This is a new version of Negroni and includes white drinks with anise taste notes.


  • Gin

  • Liqueur (you can try out DOMAINE DUPONT "Creme Dupont", which is mainly paired with aperitif)

  • Lillet Blanc French aperitif

  • Oranje juice

Mix the ingredients to make the cocktail.

Rosemary Black Pepper Cosmopolitan

The cocktail has herbal taste notes since it includes rosemary and black pepper.


  • Lemon juice

  • Blueberry juice

  • Aperitif

  • Citrus vodka

  • Rosemary and black pepper spices for cocktails

To make the cocktail mix and shake well all the ingredients, so the spices can give the cocktail a unique taste note.


Originally created in Italy, the drink today is beloved globally, Many tourists enjoy it in Milan, Rome, and even Paris while feeling the appealing notes of the first aperitif from the 1700s. Aperitif is also widely used in the most delicious cocktail recipes that are spread all around the world, including Armenia.

Thus, you can find your preferred aperitif drinks in Vino&Vino specialized beverage store and make the most delicious cocktails of all the time!





Unlocking the History of Aperitivo: The Classic Italian Drink Unlocking the History of Aperitivo: The Classic Italian Drink

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